- CSS Classes
Core API
- Design
- Path._curve()
- Path.addClass()
- Path.addText()
- Path.angleAt()
- Path.asPathString()
- Path.asRenderProps()
- Path.attr()
- Path.bbox()
- Path.clean()
- Path.clone()
- Path.close()
- Path.combine()
- Path.curve()
- Path.curve_()
- Path.divide()
- Path.edge()
- Path.end()
- Path.hide()
- Path.insop()
- Path.intersects()
- Path.intersectsX()
- Path.intersectsY()
- Path.join()
- Path.length()
- Path.line()
- Path.move()
- Path.noop()
- Path.offset()
- Path.reverse()
- Path.rotate()
- Path.roughLength()
- Path.setClass()
- Path.setHidden()
- Path.setText()
- Path.shiftAlong()
- Path.shiftFractionAlong()
- Path.smurve()
- Path.smurve_()
- Path.split()
- Path.start()
- Path.translate()
- Path.trim()
- Path.unhide()
- Point.addCircle()
- Point.addText()
- Point.angle()
- Point.asRenderProps()
- Point.attr()
- Point.clone()
- Point.copy()
- Point.dist()
- Point.dx()
- Point.dy()
- Point.flipX()
- Point.flipY()
- Point.rotate()
- Point.setCircle()
- Point.setText()
- Point.shift()
- Point.shiftFractionTowards()
- Point.shiftOutwards()
- Point.shiftTowards()
- Point.sitsOn()
- Point.sitsRoughlyOn()
- Point.slope()
- Point.translate()
- utils.applyTransformToPoint()
- utils.beamIntersectsCircle()
- utils.beamIntersectsCurve()
- utils.beamIntersectsX()
- utils.beamIntersectsY()
- utils.beamsIntersect()
- utils.capitalize()
- utils.circlesIntersect()
- utils.combineTransform()
- utils.curveEdge()
- utils.curveIntersectsX()
- utils.curveIntersectsY()
- utils.curveParameterFromPoint()
- utils.curvesIntersect()
- utils.deg2rad()
- utils.generateStackTransform()
- utils.getTransformedBounds()
- utils.lineIntersectsCircle()
- utils.lineIntersectsCurve()
- utils.linesIntersect()
- utils.mergeI18n()
- utils.mergeOptions()
- utils.pctBasedOn()
- utils.pointOnBeam()
- utils.pointOnCurve()
- utils.pointOnLine()
- utils.rad2deg()
- utils.round()
- utils.splitCurve()
- utils.stretchToScale()
- utils.units()
- banner
- bannerBox
- bartack
- bartackAlong
- bartackFractionAlong
- crossBox
- cutOnFold
- flip
- gore
- grainline
- hd
- ld
- miniScale
- mirror
- pd
- pleat
- ringSector
- rmBanner
- rmBannerBox
- rmBartack
- rmBartackAlong
- rmBartackFractionAlong
- rmCrossBox
- rmCutOnFold
- rmGrainline
- rmHd
- rmLd
- rmMiniScale
- rmPd
- rmPleat
- rmRingSector
- rmScaleBox
- rmSewTogether
- rmTitle
- rmVd
- rmaD
- rmaHd
- rmaLd
- rmaPd
- rmaVd
- round
- scalebox
- sewTogether
- sprinkle
- title
- vd
- Measurements
Store Methods
- cutlist.addCut()
- cutlist.removeCut()
- cutlist.setCutOnFold()
- cutlist.setGrain()
- flag.error()
- flag.fixme()
- flag.info()
- flag.note()
- flag.preset()
- flag.tip()
- flag.warn()
- generateMacroIds()
- getMacroIds()
- log.debug()
- log.error()
- log.info()
- log.warn()
- pack()
- removeMacroNodes()
- storeMacroIds()
- unflag.error()
- unflag.fixme()
- unflag.info()
- unflag.note()
- unflag.preset()
- unflag.tip()
- unflag.warn()
- Web of Trust
The preDraft
lifecycle hook runs just before your pattern is drafted.
null hook(Pattern pattern)
pattern.on('preDraft', pattern
=> {
// Mutate the pattern object here
The preDraft
hook fires once for all the sets in the pattern.
While typically, there is only one set, there might be more.
In that case, the preSetDraft
lifecycle hook is
the per-set equivalent of this hook.
Contents by
- Authors:
- Maintainers:
- Last updated: 2 days, 8 hours ago